
m i c r o t i a



One of the most common questions that parents of children with microtia ask is whether this condition is hereditary, that is, whether it is a condition that can be passed on from generation to generation. Clinical studies have revealed that there may be a familial predisposition in "syndromic" cases in which microtia is seen with additional congenital anomalies, but there is no genetic transmission in "sporadic" cases that manifest themselves only with microtia.

If We have a child again, what is the risk of being born with microtia for our new baby?
What is the risk of being seen in my child's children as well?


One of the most frequently asked questions is whether this condition is hereditary, that is, whether it is a condition that can be passed down genetically from generation to generation. According to current scientific publications, although the risk of a person born with microtia passing this condition on to his child is quite low (only 5% increase of incidence), some patients may have a genetic predisposition. Similarly, we have rarely observed familial predisposition in our patients.

Although it is not necessary for children born with microtia, we unfortunately see that many tests are performed and that families are experiencing exhausting processes. The same is true for genetic tests. Similarly, in the absence of an additional anomaly accompanying microtia, which is more than 90% of cases, these genetic tests are not necessary, since there is no hereditary transmission. However, these can be done at the request of parents.

Although it is not necessary in children with microtia only, if there are Goldenhar syndrome, Treacher Collins Syndrome or similar conditions seen with other anomalies in the body, affecting the facial and jaw bones and nerves, in addition to microtia, or in cases where unspecified anomalies are present, to illuminate the underlying causes and whether it will be seen in future generations. genetic testing should be done. In addition, 3D tomography for the detection and treatment of accompanying head-neck and spine anomalies, abdominal ultrasonography for kidney, eye examination, etc. investigations may be required. It is important that these examinations are performed as early as possible in the postpartum period, so that multi-faceted treatments can be performed without wasting time.